Anytime we stumble upon an article that gives the AeroPress some recognition we cannot help but to share it. We are amazed when talking among friends and family how many people still have not heard of the AeroPress yet. It is fair to say that the AeroPress is nowhere near its peak in popularity. Pretty soon you will be seeing AeroPress coffee makers in hip coffee shops every where just like you see the V60 pour overs.
Check out this article by entitled These 7 coffee gadgets will finally make you a morning person
Look who's #1! That's right. The AeroPress!
Here at ALTURA we have 3 different types of AeroPress Reusable Metal Filters.
The DISC for coarser grinds, The MESH for finer grinds and The ULTRA for all grinds.
Today we are going to run a special on all of our AeroPress Reusable Metal Filters in honor of this article. Use code SUNSET at check out to save 15% at checkout.